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How to Configure the Scanner Emulator app - C70/C66 🍎

To access the scanner emulator configurations, we need to exit from PickTrace

  • Press and hold the PickTrace Icon until the keyboard pops up

  1. Enter the password: 55154
  2. Click Exit. You will be redirected to the main screen of the device
  3. Access to the apps menu of the device
    1. on the C70 Device press the apps button on the bottom center of the screen
    2. On the C66 Device swipe using one finger from the bottom of the screen to the top
  4. Select the Keyboardemulator app in the apps menu to open the scanner configurations: 

  5.  In the Function page apps , ensure that only the Barcode 2D checkbox is marked
  6. the keycode should be:139 on the C70 and 294 on the C66
  7. To edit these settings, turn off the Enable Scanner toggle toggle_off 
  8. Turn on the Enable Scanner toggle toggle_on after the changes have been made
  9. Click on Appsettings settings on the top of the screen to move on to the next page
  10. Configure this page based on the following settings:     
    1. Turn on Release Key off scan toggle_on
    2. Turn on Success Sound toggle_on
    3. Under the process mode section, select BroadcastReceiver radio_button_checked
    4. Under the End mark section, make sure both the Enter and Tab Checkboxes are unmarked check_box_outline_blank
    5. Leave all the other fields untouched

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