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Uploading Crop Records into Crop Tracker

It is now possible to bulk upload new crop records into the Crop Tracker via CSV. Previously, these records had to be created one by one. 

To upload crop records via CSV, navigate to the Crop Tracker and select Upload;

You will then get the following flyout; 

Select "Download CSV Import Format" -- this will download a file that already has the column headers and one example line of crop record data to model your additional records off of. 

That file will appear in the bottom left (if you're using Google Chrome) -- select it and open the file in Excel. In Excel, you will see that the first two lines each begin with a '#' -- this is the flag we use to prevent uploading duplicates into your Crop Tracker. Any row that starts with a '#' will be ignored, so all your additional rows of records you add shouldn't have the '#'. Below, only row 3's data will be imported.

In Excel, highlight columns H and I, right click, and select "Format Cells." 

In the modal, stay in the "Number" tab and navigate to "Custom." Under type, paste in the following; mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM

Click OK, and this will change the date/time format of the cells to be in a format that PickTrace will accept. As you'll see below, the date/time is no longer on a 24 hour clock.

Save your file, and navigate back to PickTrace. In the flyout, select "Upload," and upload your saved CSV file.

After clicking "Upload," your CSV will be imported. If there are errors in the format, a screen will appear telling you what you need to fix in Excel for it to be accepted. If it's accepted, you'll get the following audit window, which allows you to see exactly what you'll be importing into your Crop Tracker. If there are missing fields, the row will be red, and the record will not import until that's resolved in Excel and you attempt to import the file again.

Click OK, and the record(s) will be successfully imported. NOTE: This feature is only for uploading NEW records. It is not possible to modify existing records using this functionality. 

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