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Crop Tracker

Crop Tracker

A crop record is primarily used to track piecework labor. Each record typically represents a unit of work such as a bucket, lug or tray. Data collected for each record often includes the device used, location, variety, employee, date/time, weight and modifier (unit type & value).  The following items are included as part of the crop record

  1. Site: Record’s site.
  2. Alt. Id: A label assigned to the record to make it unique; it can include a code created to relate to an employee number.
  3. Crop: The crop that is being harvested.
  4. Device: Devices which created the crop record.
  5. Field Ticket: A tag to group crop records. It can represent a pallet, a single record that will be divided or even the crops for a full day. This depends on several unique factors.
  6. Employee ID: the Employee’s Number to identify them.
  7. Emp alt ID: Alternative id to identify the employee, usually the company’s Id used to create payroll reports if it’s different from PickTrace’s.
  8. First name: Employee’s first name.
  9. Last Name: Employee’s last name.
  10. Location id: Id created to identify the location inside the site where the crop record was created.
  11. Location Name: The name of the location.
  12. Plant type: The type of plant from which the crop was harvested.
  13. Weight: The weight of the record. It can be pounds, pieces, boxes, etc.
  14. Modifier: This defines how the harvesting will be paid to the Employee.
  15. PTTray timestamp: Time when the record was created (if created in PTTray).
  16. PTScale Timestamp: Time when the record was created (if created in PTScale).
  17. Archived: It says “True” if archived or “False” if not archived.
  18. Last Modified: The last time the record was modified on the device or server.
  19. Server last modified: The last time the record was updated on the server, either by receiving it from a device or updated from the web interface.
  20. Server Created on: The time the record was created on the server.

When clicking on Column visibility the user can select which columns to visualize by clicking on the checkboxes.                                                                                                                        

  Figure 1 - List of columns.

Crop Tracker All records Page.

The Main page for Crop Tracker has 2 tabs; the all records page, which will be explained next, and the Employee mode (green square).

Figure 2 - Crop Tracker Main Page.

  1. Toggle Archive, Information, and Maximize: 3 options that can be managed in the top right corner of the main screen.
  2. Date Range: The user can select a date range to see the crop records.
  3. Count Summary: This small window shows a summary of the list of filtered crop records.
  4. Search Box: The user can use this box to make a quick search with a specific value.
  5. Manage tools: Clear filters, create new crop records, edit records, download CSV, select filtered, unselect all, entries and column visibility.
  6. Filter boxes: Used specifically to filter by a value in a single column.
  7. Previous button: User can go to a previous page.
  8. Page menu: Select the page number and the number of entries shown by page.

Create, edit and archive records.


Records can be created from a device and from the Web User Interface. This process can be done by pressing the +New button.

Figure 3 - Create new record.

A user can also create a new crop record by right clicking on any of the tables and selecting “New Crop Record”

Figure 4 - Pop up Window that allows the user to create new records, amongst other options.

Once this button is clicked, a new window will appear on the right side of the screen as shown in the next image.

Figure 5 - Create new record window.

In this window the user can set values like: Site, Employee, Modifier, Location ID. If any of these values is missing, the user will not be able to create the new record.


When the user wants to edit a record there are two ways to do this.

Figure 6 - Options to edit a record.

As seen in the image above, clicking on a single record will highlight that row in orange. Once selected, the Edit button in the upper right will now be available, and the user can edit that selected record.  Alternatively, the user can also right click that record and select “Edit Crop Record” from the menu that appears.C:\Users\PickTrace 2\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\edit crop window.jpg

Figure 7 - Options to edit a record.

Specific edits can be done by right clicking a record and hovering over “Set.” Values like Site, Location, Modifier, Timestamps and Field Ticket can be set individually or in bulk. The user will know how many records they are modifying by looking at the number inside the parentheses. In the next image is an example showing that only one (1) record is being edited.                                                                                                                              

Figure 8 - List of available options when hovering over “Set.”

In the next set of images, we are displaying what appears when making the changes available when hovering over “Set.”

  • Set Site: This is the only option that gives the user the chance to change more than 1 value.

Figure 9 - Set Site window.
  • Set Location:This option is the only one that cannot be done in bulk if the records have different sites. However, as long as all the records are from the same site, locations can be set for as many records as desired.

Figure 10 - Set Location Window
  • Set Modifier:The modifier establishes the crop variety and the rate of the payment.

Figure 11 - Set modifier window.
  • Set Tray Scan and Scale Scan Timestamp: The user can select Date and Time in the calendar that is shown when changing the date for each of these two options.

Figure 12 - In this Calendar the user can select the date and time for the Timestamp.
  • Set Field Ticket: The field ticket can be changed as well, by either typing or using the up and down arrows to the right of the number.

Figure 13 - Set Field Ticket Window.
  • Transfer Ownership: This option is selected when a crop record should be transferred to another Employee.

Figure 14 - Transfer Ownership.

Archive Records

It is also possible for a user to archive a record, or multiple records. This is done by right clicking the record(s), and selecting “Toggle Archive.” After selecting this, the page will prompt a notification as seen in the next image. To “unarchive” a record, the user simply needs to follow the same steps, selecting “Toggle Archive” again.

Figure 15 - Message shown to make sure that the user wants to archive or unarchive records

Once the records are archived the user can differentiate them by observing the red shading on archived records, versus the lack of shading on unarchived records.

Figure 16 - Difference between archived (red) and unarchived records.

To archive a record first make sure you want to archive it and then select the record, right click on it and select archive record. This can be done in both modes.

Navigate through the records.

There are a few tools that are extremely helpful when needing to check or verify several records. The first tool addressing this need is the “show entries” tool.

Figure 17 - Crop records can be shown 10 per page all the way to 500.

In this drop down menu the user can select how many records at a time to see.

Another option available is to select a date range for the time that the user wants to check crop records, by clicking on the orange date in the top center part of the screen; the user can then select which date or dates they want to see.

Figure 18 - This window lets the user select the date range needed.

Options like last week and last month select the last complete week or month, while custom range allows the user to select the date range desired.

The last option to navigate through records more efficiently are the column filters and search box shown in the next image.

Figure 19 - Search box and filter boxes per column.

The search box allows the user to look for a specific value in all the columns at the same time while the box on each column allows the user to filter through all the records that share the specified value.

Another tool to look through the records is the “Active Filters” option.

Figure 20 -Active Filter box.

With this tool you can create 2 types of filters, which lets us include in the search the values we select or exclude the values selected. Once we create a search we can save it to use it later by pressing  load. This filter allows us jump from all records to Employee mode while keeping the filters applied.

Figure 21 - active filters options.

The values we can select from in the filters are: Locations, Devices, Field Tickets, Crop Modifiers and Employees.

Employee mode

Figure 22 - Employee mode Page.

In the Main page of this Crop Tracker’s Mode we can find all the records listed and grouped by Employee, which will allow you to gather all the work done in the period of time selected. Once we click on the arrow at the left side of the Employee row, a summary will be displayed in order to see the details all the records as seen in the next image.

Figure 23 - Employee summary.

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