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Main Page

Main Page


Figure 1 - Login page. It has 2 blank spaces for Email and Password.

As seen in the image above, to login to your PickTrace server the Email (user account) and the password must be typed. Once written, press the Login button and the main dashboard will open.


Figure 2 -Main Dashboard. The numbers in red are explained in the next list.

The image above is the main page of PickTrace, and it’s what you will see when you first log in. Below is a list that describes each feature/page labeled in red;

1.Home Button: Clicking the PickTrace button will return the user to this same dashboard view.

2.Multiple Icons: The icons at the top right of the main page give the user access to different pages within PickTrace.

Figure 3 -a.Device statuses b.Timesheets c.Reports d.Employees e.Crop Tracker f.Jobs g.Users h.Settings
  • a.  Button where user can give feedback on the New Interface Experience.
  • b.  It shows the status of the devices’ connection as a pop up dialogue cloud.
  • c.  irect access to the timesheet pages.
  • d.  Direct access to the Reports page
  • e.  Direct access to the Employees list.
  • f.  Direct access to the Crop Tracker page.
  • g.  Direct access to the Jobs page.

3.Credentials: This lets the user know which account they’re signed in as.

4.Power button:

Figure 4 -Power Button

The power button (top right corner) is the log out button.

5. Views Button:

Figure 5-Views Button

When clicking this button a drop down menu will appear showing all the views and sites as seen in the next image.

Figure 6 -Drop down menu with views and sites showing.

Current View: It shows the View or Site selected.

View: A view is a virtual entity which contains data from different sites (farms, processing plants, nurseries, etc). Views work to structure your data according to places of production and to separate the data. Large amounts of information are easier to manage and analyze when you can filter it more efficiently, which is why we use Views to group data.

Sites: A site is a specific physical location where information is generated, such as a farm, packing house, etc. A site can also have locations on it.

Locations: A location is the specific place in the site related to the data generated.

6.Display Mode Button:

C:\Users\PickTrace 2\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\displaymodebutton.jpgFigure 7 -Display mode Button

This button makes the widgets occupy the full screen, and the screen will slowly auto-scroll in order to display all of your widgets.

C:\Users\PickTrace 2\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\dispmodeedit.jpg

Figure 8 -Display mode. The area marked is the place to click if you want to exit this mode.

  1. Page Tab:

C:\Users\PickTrace 2\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\pagebutton.jpg

Figure 9 -Page Button

The individual user can have an unlimited number of tabs on the dashboard, where the user can customize which widgets they wish to have in each tab. New tabs can be added by selecting the button labeled with No. 8 in red.

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